

Triggers when a task is completed

Triggers when a project is created

Triggers when a story is created

Triggers when a subtask is created

Triggers when a tag is created

Triggers when a task is created in a project

Triggers when a tag is added to a task

Triggers when a team is created

Triggers when a task is updated in a project

Triggers when a user is created/added to your Asana account

Triggers when an organization is created

Helps create a duplicate task. Task can be specified.

Helps create subtask. Task can be specified.

Helps create new project

Helps create new story

Helps create new task

Helps update a task

Look out for tasks in a project

Automate Asana integrations in a flash
with Klamp's templates.

Automatically create Asana tasks from emails or new deals in your CRM, Sync task status with your CRM for a clear view of project progress and Trigger notifications in communication tools when tasks are completed or deadlines approach.

  • Slack Integrations
    Get notifications in Slack when issue is getting created in Asana

    Slack + Asana

  • Trello.png
    Automatically create tasks in Trello whenever there is a particular field update in Asana

    Trello + Asana

  • freshdesk.png
    Update ticket in Freshdesk when there is a particular field update in Asana.

    Freshdesk + Asana

  • Asana.png
    Create issues in Asana when there is a response submitted in SurveySparrow

    Asana + SurveySparrow

  • Asana.png
    zendesk .png
    Create issue in Asana when there is a particular field update in Zendesk

    Asana + Zendesk

Supported Asana Integrations

Automate Asana Integrations with klamp's ready-to-use templates